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To Say Nothing of the Dog

To Say Nothing of the Dog - Connie Willis This book revisits a couple of the characters from Willis' Doomsday Book (which I also loved), although this one was a lot funnier and lighter. It takes place in the future in Oxford, when historians travel in time to study history (or, as in this book, to recover hideous Victorian art for the reconstruction of a bombed-out cathedral). Having made too many trips through time recently, Ned Henry is suffering from advanced time lag and is instructed to go back to Victorian England for some rest and relaxation. However, there is a slight chance that the space-time continuum has been damaged, and Ned won't be able to get any rest until he fixes it.

This book was super fun and combined a bunch of genres in a thoroughly enjoyable way. Also, there are kittens. And a long-suffering bulldog. So, so good.